Tuesday 19 November 2013

P1. Team Production Meeting 2

 Tuesday, 19 November 2013
In today's lesson, we came to the decision to use my script and individually annotated our own copy of it. We labelled the shots we think should be used in each scene, and then began discussing and observing each others ideas to decide which shots would be best to use.
We all came to the conclusion that when showing a large amount of students in a frame, we will use long shots to capture and exaggerate the business of the frame. Then when two characters are speaking, we will use over the shoulder shots to establish the two characters that are speaking, and also show their reactions. We also all decided it would work well to use a still long shot when the two boys are walking down the hallway, this will show how long and far the hallway is, and to let the audience establish the characters distance and isolation. In this lesson we came to the conclusion that we were going to collaborate and use all of our ideas, and choose the most effective shots from each of our plans.

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